Volume 3, #88
22, 2003
We coordinated a press release with Senator Lautenberg�s
staff this week. They advise that our message should be that the FAA
Reauthorization bill is flawed and should be voted down. We also discussed
possible compromise report language but no decisions were made. Expect
Congress to take this matter up immediately upon returning from recess.
Congratulations to NM Director Darrell Mounts for his article in the NY Times.
Darrel was also part of the group we had at OSH that mailed out over 7,000
post cards to Congress and AOPA. Thanks also to GL Director Jack O�Connell, EA
Acting Director Ron Consalvo, Webmaster John Dibble, Harold Brooks (FOD), and
Bernie Anderson (ISP) for all their work.
I�ve also been in touch with the NY Times as well as the Washington Post and
we expect to be published in both during the next two weeks. I�ve also met
again with OMB and ARA-1 regarding the continuing problems with the
termination of our participation in the PWS, compressing the study timeframe
and termination of the funding for our A76 Communications Representative Kate
Breen. Hopefully logic will prevail and these decisions will be reversed in
the next week.
Please keep in mind that it is very important to be responsive and accurate
when the MEO requests information from the field. This is essential for MEO
success if the A76 runs its entire cycle.
OASIS National Representative Jeff Barnes wrote an excellent article to Jerry
Lavey who does the weekly AOA highlights. Mr. Lavey is communicating with Jeff
regarding the distribution of this letter; Jeff will include a copy in his
next OASIS Update.
John Dibble has posted a letter from Senator Lautenberg and Congressman
Oberstar to Secretary Mineta. We are concerned about the effect of
questionable FAA lobbying on the eleven Republican senators who voted for the
Lautenberg Amendment, particularly Senator Inhofe (OK). Please contact these
senators and help us ensure they stay committed.
The Pay Plan ballots will be mailed on August 29 and due back November 14.
Hard copies of the pay plan package will be mailed to FacReps at all
facilities where we have members. A copy will be posted on our website and
electronic copies will be available from
[email protected], upon request. The package will include the pay plan and
three TAUs (Reopener, Implementation and Reimbursement of Education Expenses).
The advance implementation of TAU 23 (training and official time) will not be
included as it is an MOU and not a part of the pay plan or work rules. We are
scheduling facility trips to brief the membership and to answer any questions.
Wally Pike