Section 1. The Employer recognizes its obligation to
fully inform (to the best of its ability) employees about all benefits for
which they may be eligible and the costs and consequences of benefit plans or
options, and to encourage them to avail themselves of such benefits, and to
assist them in initiating claims. The Employer agrees to take affirmative
action to fulfill this obligation through such means as presenting video tape
briefings, supplying brochures, pamphlets, other appropriate information and
assisting employees in filing benefit claims. This information/assistance
shall be made available on an annual basis to all bargaining unit employees.
Section 2. The Employer shall establish a personnel action system which
requires priority processing of packages related to employee deaths. Such
personnel actions shall take priority over all other personnel actions.
Section 3. After an employee�s death, and with the beneficiary�s
consent, the Employer shall promptly dispatch a knowledgeable representative
to the home of the deceased employee�s primary beneficiary. This
representative shall be the contact point until all applicable benefits are
settled. When a personal briefing is not desired, the beneficiary shall be
advised by other means, such as telephone, personal intermediary, or written
correspondence. All benefits to which a deceased employee's beneficiary may be
entitled shall be fully explained. The representative shall assist in
completing the appropriate forms and filing the claim for unpaid compensation
benefits. Those benefits shall include, but not be limited to, lump sum leave
payment, any retirement insurance, Social Security benefits and other services
to which the beneficiary may be entitled.
Section 4. The Employer shall provide a retirement planning program to
be made available annually. All employees within seven (7) years of retirement
eligibility may voluntarily participate; however, those employees within six
(6) years of retirement shall be given the first opportunity to participate.
The program shall include, but not be limited to, briefings, individual
counseling, assistance, information and materials distribution. These
employees shall be permitted to participate in one program in a duty status.
Employees are not entitled to travel and per diem except as follows: Employees
normally shall attend briefings within their commuting area. When no briefing
is scheduled within the commuting area, the Employer shall authorize, on a one
time basis, either the use of a Government Owned Vehicle (GOV) or Privately
Owned Vehicle (POV) to attend the nearest briefing outside the commuting area.
Nothing in this Section shall prohibit employees from participating in
additional programs in a non-duty status, subject to space availability.
Section 5. The Employer shall provide a retirement planning program for
individuals participating in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).
FERS and Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) employees shall receive
information as part of orientation, and follow-up individual counseling. The
program may include, but not be limited to, video tape briefings, individual
counseling, assistance, information and materials distribution. This planning
program shall be made available to all new employees within one (1) year of
entering on duty with the Employer. Employees who elect to change from CSRS to
FERS shall have this planning program made available to them within one (1)
year of their election. FERS employees who have not received this program,
shall have it made available to them within two (2) years of the signing of
this Agreement. Employees participating in this program shall be in a duty
status. Employees are not entitled to travel and per diem. FERS employees
shall receive standard education on the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) during the
TSP Open Seasons, and upon any major change to TSP.
Section 6. Brochures and pamphlets associated with benefits programs
shall be provided to the national and regional offices of the Union.
Section 7. The Employer shall ensure that the most recent version of
retirement and benefits information, including the following brochures and
forms are available to new employees for review, and are available for review
upon request to all employees:
a. enrollment Information Guide and Plan Comparison Chart;
b. brochures on both government-wide plans;
c. any brochures they may request on plans sponsored by employee
organizations for which employees may qualify; and
d. brochures of all comprehensive plans serving the area in which the
employee is located.
Section 8. If there is any change in retirement or
benefits, or related laws or regulations, the Employer at the national level
shall within thirty (30) days brief the national Union officers. Any changes
which may require negotiations shall be handled in accordance with
Article 91
on Mid-Term Negotiations.
Section 9. In the event it is determined that an employee is permanently
disqualified for air traffic control duties, the Employer shall inform the
employee of the rights, benefits and options, including other types of
positions for which the employee may be qualified and the procedures for
requesting consideration for such positions.
Section 10. NAATS bargaining unit members are entitled to retire in
accordance with P.L. _____________.
Section 11. The Parties recognize that applications for federal service
retirements are subject to the rules, processing procedures and time limits
established by the OPM. In order to minimize this processing time, employees
may submit their application for retirement to the appropriate Regional Human
Resource Management Division ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled effective
date of separation. The Employer agrees to process all necessary paperwork in
connection with a retirement application as it is submitted and in a timely
Section 12. In the event Health Fairs or similar activities are
conducted at any Employer facility, the Employer should request participating
vendors to be available so as to allow maximum employee participation on duty
time. Additionally, the Employer should advise other facilities in the local
area in order to allow for maximum employee participation. Employees are not
entitled to travel and per diem.