Section 1. The total entitlement under this Article
shall be a maximum of 12 months for prenatal care, birth, and care of the
newborn. When employees request, up to six months of this entitlement shall be
uninterrupted. Beyond this 6-month uninterrupted period, employees are subject
to recall duty with 30 days notice if unforeseen operational requirements
necessitate a return to duty.
Section 2. During the period of leave under this Article, the employee
may choose how and in what order such absence will be recorded: sick leave,
annual leave, compensatory time, and/or LWOP, to the extent that annual, sick
leave, and/or compensatory time is available. Advance sick leave may not
exceed 30 days.
Section 3. During the period of leave under this Article, retirement,
time-in-grade coverage, health benefits and life insurance benefits will be
continued to the extent permitted by applicable law and regulation.
Section 4. To the extent operational requirements permit, employees
shall be allowed to work part-time to accommodate prenatal/infant care needs.
Section 5. The provisions of this Article shall apply to each instance
of childbirth or infant adoption.