Section 1. NAATS does not desire to bargain over the impact and implementation of issues that have been resolved collaboratively by the Parties in joint work groups, committees, programs, and projects. In lieu of the procedures contained in the article on Union/management relationships, the Employer may request the Union to designate one or more employees, depending on the significance of the issue(s), to serve as Union representative(s) on local, regional, or national work groups, committees, programs, or projects. Such designation may be subject to facility operational conditions.

Section 2. The Employer will provide the Union with: (1) a statement of the necessary qualifications/requirements for participation on the work group, committee, program, or project and the Union will make every reasonable effort to designate representative(s) that meet these qualifications/requirements; (2) whether the work group is to be advisory only or empowered with decision-making authority subject to Agency head review; and (3) the scope/limits of the work group shall be defined in writing and communicated to each member prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Section 3.
If appropriate, the work group/committee will develop a charter by which the group will operate.

Section 4. The Union work group/committee representative(s) will be on duty time with travel and per diem expenses paid by the Employer in accordance with appropriate authority.

Section 5. When appropriate, the Parties shall designate, in writing, the person(s) having the final decision-making authority to negotiate and enter into binding agreements.

Section 6. The Union desires to empower its work group, committee, program, or project representative(s) in those cases where: (1) the work group, committee, program, or project reaches and executes a written agreement and where: (2) the work group, committee, program, or project members� decision is implemented without modification by the Employer. If the two foregoing requirements are met, the Employer will have satisfied the extent of its bargaining obligation.

Section 7. The Parties agree not to withdraw participation from a union/management work group, committee, program, or project in which the scope is not changed and the group's charter is not violated. The Agency reserves its right to disband such groups.

Section 8. When no joint work group, committee, program, or project is established, the Parties will honor and carry out their traditional notice and negotiation responsibilities prior to the implementation of changes in personnel policies, practices and procedures affecting unit employees not specifically contained in this Agreement.

Section 9. Unless endorsed by the Union, Employer established technical work groups/committees that include bargaining unit employees shall be precluded from addressing changes in conditions of employment, personnel policies, practices, and other matters affecting working conditions.
