Memorandum of Understanding
Between the
National Association Of Air Traffic Specialists (NAATS)
And The
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

This memorandum of agreement (MOA) is entered into by and between the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists ("NAATS" or "union") and the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA," "management," or "agency") (collectively the "parties"). This MOA represents the complete and total understanding of the parties with respect to fiscal year 2003 staffing distribution of bargaining unit new hires to the regions in accordance with the NAATS/FAA Consolidated Placement Program memorandum of understanding dated November 25, 1994.

Section 1. The parties agree to the following distribution of flight service option new hires:

Alaskan - 4
Central - 5
Eastern - 9
Great Lakes - 20
New England - 6
Northwest Mountain - 7
Southern - 30
Southwest - 7
Western-Pacific - 10
Total - 98

Section 2. The parties agree the numbers specified in section 1 refer to new hires requiring completion of Course 50244, Initial Flight Service Training (IFST), at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC).

Section 3. The parties agree that any individuals hired/rehired in the flight service option not requiring IFST at the MMAC shall not be counted against a region's new hire quota.

Section 4. Within 30 days of the date of this agreement, the employer agrees to place a copy of the MOA in the read and initial (R&I) binder at all facilities where NAATS bargaining unit members are employed.

Section 5. This agreement does not constitute a waiver of any right guaranteed by law, rule, regulation, or contract on behalf of either party.

Section 6. This agreement may be reopened by mutual agreement only.


For NAATS: For the FAA:




Bill Dolan                              


Bill H. Ellis



To: Bill Ellis/ATX-5500

From: Bill Dolan/NAATS

January 13. 2003

Subject: FY-00 Staffing Distribution Negotiations

The decision rendered in the arbitration of grievance (NA)ALR-00-1 requires NAATS and the Agency to negotiate the regional distribution of the new hires in FY-00.

Due to the amount of time that has elapsed since the 125 NAATS bargaining unit personnel were hired and placed in FY-00, NAATS chooses to accept their placement without further negotiations. It is the opinion of NAATS that to negotiate any change in where these individuals are assigned would place undo hardship on them.


Bill Dolan, NAATS

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