MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is the final and binding agreement entered into
by the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists "NAATS" or "the Union"
and the Federal Aviation Administration "FAA" or "the Agency", collectively
referred to as "the Parties", regarding Automated Surface Observing System
(ASOS) Software Version 2.6/Automated Lightning Detection and Reporting System
(ALDARS). Within 30 days of the date of this agreement, the employer agrees to
place a copy of this MOA in the Read and Initial (R&I) Binder at all AFSS/FSS
facilities where NAATS bargaining unit members are employed. Improvement of automated thunderstorm detection and reporting. Any other issues identified as ALDARS limitations, which affect safety of flight. 4. All bargaining unit members shall receive training on ASOS and/or ASOS
Software Version 2.6 update/ALDARS.
Date: 6/24/00 Information Sheet on ASOS Software v2.6 In response to Impact & Implementation discussions with NAATS
the following items concerning the ASOS software v2.6 CBI are provided to you
for clarification: Issue: Not all ASOS sites are connected to the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). This is correct. The current system has FAA ASOS sites connected to the NLDN via the ASOS Data Acquisition System (ADAS) while the NWS sites are connected to AWIPS and therefore not able to receive NLDN data. The end state of the ASOS program to resolve this situation is to connect all ASOS sites to the NLDN via ADAS. Sites not receiving NLDN data, such as the current NWS ASOS sites or FAA ASOS sites with communication line problems will carry "TSNO" in remarks. Issue: Module does not emphasize that only cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning is detected. The information is mentioned, but its impact is minimized by the presentation. It must be emphasized that the NLDN, by design, only reports CG lightning. Weather observers at Service Level A, B & C sites have the authority and responsibility to augment the METAR for any significant weather such as cloud-to-cloud (CC) or cloud-to-air lightning. Additional information on this may be found in Air Traffic Bulletin (ATB) 99-3, page 4 under Thunderstorm reporting. Issue: Module does not indicate that only 80-90% of CG lightning strikes are detected. This is correct. While the NLDN is not perfect, the FAA has determined that the detection of 80-90% of the CG lightning strikes is acceptable for operational purposes at locations staffed by LAWRS and contract weather observers and is a significant improvement at stand-alone "D" locations. Issue: Module does not address the problem that a SPECI is not automatically generated and transmitted when a TS detected within 5nm after a VCTS has first been reported. The Operator Interface Device (OID) does not alarm when the "PRESENT WX" field changes from VCTS to TS. There is no requirement for a SPECI at 5 miles once a thunderstorm is reported, whether in the vicinity or at the airport, because the requirement for reporting a thunderstorm has been met. Nevertheless, a workgroup has been formed to address this issue. Representatives from NAATS, NATCA and the NWS are included on this group. Module 2 Issue There is no change in v2.6 for SPECI; the ASOS generates a SPECI when the criteria are detected. Augmentation is still required when CC lightning (not detected by NLDN) or other phenomena are observed and not reported by ASOS. Module 3 Issue: Module does not emphasize the new reportable visibility values (those values less than 1/4SM). The information is mentioned, but its impact is minimized by the presentation. New reportable visibility values in ASOS v2.6 are presented as a mandatory briefing item in ATB 99-3 3. Module 4 Issue: Weather elements requiring augmentation - under the thunderstorm section, the statement, "ASOS automatically generates a SPECI report for this phenomena" incorrectly represents the fact that some thunderstorms are not detected and some remarks are not automatic. CC lightning may precede CG lightning. ALDARS does not report CC lightning, thus weather observers may generate/augment for TS/VCTS before the ASOS reports thunderstorm activity. Once the NLDN detects a CG strike, the ASOS will carry the correct data and generate the appropriate messages. When the ASOS generates a SPECI for TS/VCTS, TB & TE remarks are automatically generated. At LAWRS locations, when augmenting for TS/VCTS not detected by ASOS, TB & TE remarks are required and must be entered manually, but any additional remarks i.e., "CONS LGT IC OHD", are guided by FAA Order 7900.5.