11303 Amherst Avenue, Suite 4
Wheaton, Maryland 20902
Phone: (301) 933-6228
Fax; (301) 9333902
October 24, 2001
Mr. Raymond B. Thoman
Deputy Assistant Administrator
For Human Resource Management, AHR-2
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20591
Dear Mr. Thoman:
I am in receipt of the September 14 letter to me regarding pay negotiations
between the FAA and NAATS. Frankly I am surprised to see your signature on this
NAATS has several concerns with your response to my meeting and follow-up with
Administrator Garvey on August 17. As you acknowledge, your team's offer of
record is a 0% increase. Saying that you are hopeful of reinstating a previous
offer that you have withdrawn is tantamount to negotiating in bad faith; stating
that you have no firm offer on the table is a misrepresentation of fact.
As you well know, your previous offer of 5.5% over five years does not address
comparability with the other FAA air traffic controllers in series 2152. Per the
information your team previously furnished NAATS, the increase should be 13.2%,
not including the 4.1% ATRA roll-in. To reinstate a previously unacceptable
offer does not constitute meaningful negotiations and does not alter the fact
that the Parties are at impasse.
You further state "if the Government wide increases average 4 percent a year for
the 5-Year term of the agreement, the general pay increase for FSS would be 25
1/2 percent over that period". This seems to be pure speculation unless you are
now negotiating for the White House.
I assume the 8 percent average increase for performance that you mention relates
to your previous SCI offer that you now state doesn't exist. In any case, you
are well aware that NAATS rejected that offer as benefiting the few at the
expense of the many.
You incorrectly state that you offered to upgrade lower level FSS's in Alaska to
the GS-12 equivalent level. In fact you only offered to convert FG-9/10/11 unit
members to specialized job Category G, Level 2. Your proposal on existing FG-12
unit members was a conversion to Category H, Level 3. The inequality in your
proposal amounted to approximately $12,000 annually.
I would remind you that the mediators assigned to our case have stated they have
no intention of calling us back to the negotiating table. Their opinion is based
on your previous offer of 5.5% and not your current position.
Obviously someone at FAA Headquarters has made a decision to undervalue FSS
contributions to air traffic and the aviation public. That person or persons
should step forward and acknowledge their responsibility for this decision.
Misrepresenting the fact of the pay impasse is a continuing disservice and
insult to the Air Traffic Controllers in the Flight Service option.
As I've briefed both the FAA Administrator and Deputy Administrator, unless the
FAA is willing to negotiate true pay comparability for our bargaining unit,
further meetings are pointless. As you and I have previously discussed and
agreed, addressing the few remaining work rules will do nothing to resolve the
impasse over pay.
Walter W. Pike President