It is interesting how many of these activities are determined to be "not an AFSS responsibility" or "not an AFSS function" now that the agency is trying to divest itself on providing Flight Services to pilots. It was not that long ago they were insisting we provide a lot of these services.

 -John Dibble

  Color Key - Yellow = Priority
Orange = HIGH Priority
Activity ID#          
Realigned Activity Description Recommendation Impact Org(s) Comments
1 Provide services for Dakota Joint Tactical Training Area Not an AFSS responsibility since no functionality has been assigned. None, since the activity is still in development with the military. ATO-R
2 Continuously monitor NAS equipment for outage (e.g., frequencies, NAVAIDS) OCC's are responsible for this functionality in the NAS. AFSS monitoring responsibility should be eliminated. NAS monitoring equipment removed from AFSS facilities. Possible funding issue for Technical Operations in regard to equipment relocation. (Related issue 4, 9 & 10) OCC Dialog with Mary Golia (Tech Ops), establish positions for AFSS specialists in OCC.
3 Back-up Service B for AFRCC AIS-R for all military BASOPS (including AFRCC) to provide back-up functionality with each other. Remove AFSS responsibility for BASOPS back-up. Possible funding issue for functionality upgrade and redundancy. Military BASOPS Included in Jan. 11th 2005 AIS-R upgrade.
4 Develop, ensure accuracy and coordinate NOTAMs with OCC for NAS outages OCC's are responsible for this functionality in the NAS.AFSS monitoring responsibility should be eliminated. NAS monitoring equipment removed from AFSS facilities. Possible funding issue for Technical Operations in regard to equipment relocation. OCC  
5 Serve as FAA Coordination Facility as specified in FDC Flight Restriction NOTAMS. FAA Coordination Facility will be the FDC NOTAM issuing office. Change FAA NOTAM Handbook 7930.2 7-1-5 to reflect the change. FDC NOTAM issuing office will assumes responsibility. A possible bargaining unit impact. ATO-R  
Activity ID#          
Realigned Activity Description Recommendation Impact Org(s) Comments
6 Observe, encode and disseminate weather observations (1) CWO at Svc Level A sites (BGR RNO GFK DAY), Est. cost for FY �06 - $1M.(2) Svc level C sites (GNV MCN COU GWO MKL), FCT employees need LAWRS training/certification & equipment relocated from AFSS; timeframe � 3 months.(3) GWO-AWOS will be stand alone. Alternative: NFCT back-up & augment, FAA move OID at govt expense and employees need LAWRS training/certification; timeframe � 3 months.(4) Svc Level C sites (PIE TMB LOU SUS) sites, may be reclassified Svc Level D. ATCS complete LAWRS training/certification. I&I with NATCA; timeframe � 6-9 months.(5) Svc Level A sites (BGR GFK DAY RNO & Islip, NY), CWO contracts FY 05 and beyond; required by service standards policy.(6) Non-towered Svc Level C sites (ANB JBR MIV AOO AND CDC EKN HON), if AFSS removed then no longer federal entity � site reclassified Svc Level D.(7) FAA Order 7900.5b � change OPI to ATO-T.�� Political / operational impact, airport used by non-scheduled air taxis and air carriers, mixed concerns from NAATS / Airport Managers TBA FAA Order 7900.5B, AFSS weather observing, augmentation and back-up directive.
7 Coordination of location/installation new Automated weather observation sites Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. NWS  
8 Support FEMA activities regarding natural disaster relief Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FAA HQS.  
9 Monitor NAVAIDs and notify and coordinate outages with concerned parties OCC's are responsible for this functionality in the NAS. AFSS monitoring responsibility should be eliminated. NAS monitoring equipment removed from AFSS facilities. A possible funding issue for Technical Operations in regard to equipment relocation. OCC  
10 Coordinate scheduled NAS/equipment shutdown request OCC's are responsible for this functionality in the NAS. AFSS monitoring responsibility should be eliminated. NAS monitoring equipment removed from AFSS facilities. A possible funding issue for Technical Operations in regard to equipment relocation. OCC  
Activity ID#          
Realigned Activity Description Recommendation Impact Org(s) Comments
11 Interface with foreign countries Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
12 Accept, create, format, issue and disseminate international NOTAMs, as well as notify US NOTAM Office Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. NOTAM OFFICE  
13 Coordinate with NOTAM office to issue international NOTAM on US NAVAIDS in a foreign country Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. NOTAM OFFICE  
14 Provide facility and logistical support for command post activities Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. ATO-R  
15 Coordinate requests for protected airspace by public safety or military officials Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. ATO-R  
16 Disseminate Man Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) information to air traffic facilities Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. ATO-R  
17 Coordinate all FDC 91.141 Presidential/VIP movement messages with ARTCC and affected Terminal facilities and outside interests Develop procedures at ATCSCC to call affected AT facilities and distribute NOTAM information in accordance with FAA NOTAM Handbook 7930.2. Change FAA NOTAM Handbook 7930.2 3-1-4 to reflect the change. An undetermined AT facility will assume NOTAM coordination responsibility. A possible bargaining unit impact. A failure in communication of an FAR 91.141 is unacceptable, resulting in political impacts and safety risks. ATO-R  
18 Provide "Situation Room" in order to maintain open line communication channel for coordination of national security and civil unrest or disturbance issues (e.g. Situation Room) Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FAA HQS.  
Activity ID#          
Realigned Activity Description Recommendation Impact Org(s) Comments
19 Flight planning and coordination for Open Skies Program Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. ATCSCC  
20 Coordinate information and movement messages associated with political dissident groups (BTTR, Democracia) with multiple government entities Turn over other functions to responsible ARTCC for full services (i.e. Military Special Operations, DOD coordination, etc.) This may require negotiations with State Department officials as well as other agencies. There may also be dissident groups who may be aware of the use of AFSS during these illegal missions. ATO-E  
21 Develop local procedures for current and future ADIZ's Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. ATO-R  
22 Provide aircraft and pilot registration information to external and internal customers Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. AVR  
23 Assume general responsibility for airspace Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
24 Provide tower evacuation information Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
25 Control lighting and NAVAIDS Relocate airport lighting equipment to airport / owner operator. Removal of equipment from FAA facilities. Procedure changes in some AFSS facilities.    
26 Provide back up transmit/receive Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
27 Back up for ROC Regional Operation Centers will provide back-up capability for each other. No significant impact expected. ROC  
28 Disseminate regulatory forms to pilots Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FSA  
29 Provide aviation education counselors as well as mentors Student pilots Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FSA  
Activity ID#          
Realigned Activity Description Recommendation Impact Org(s) Comments
30 Write and submit articles to aviation publications Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
31 Liaison with local law enforcement regarding facility/airport security Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
32 Participate in Airport/TSA security evaluations Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. TSA  
34 Receive and process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FSA  
35 Support/develop airspace/procedures initiatives Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected.    
36 Provide airport security Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. TSA / OHS  
37 Compile and distribute Interruption of National Air Traffic Services (INATS)/significant outage report Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FSA  
38 FAA information dissemination Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. FSA  
39 Coordination of international accidents/incidents for U.S. registered aircraft with U.S. State Department Activity not realigned, not an AFSS function. No significant impact expected. U.S STATE DEPT  
  Color Key - Yellow = Priority
Orange = HIGH Priority
Activity ID#          
Discontinued Activity Description Recommendation Impact Comments
1 Provide Transcribed Weather Broadcasts (TWEB) Activity has been discontinued. No significant impact expected.  
2 Utilize AFSS authority to close airport NONE If LOA at specific site, it would be revoked. No significant impact expected.  
3 Coordinate and distribute law enforcement/stolen aircraft alert messages to state/county/local law enforcement NONE No significant impact expected.  
4 Provide back-up to NWS for contract weather observers/Air Traffic facilities Continue providing back-up service to NWS for Contract Weather Observers and Air Traffic facilities    
5 Provide NWS additional meteorological data (rain, snow, etc.) NONE ATO-T and NWS are coordinating to establish new requirement at selected sites to provide snow measurement data.  
6 Respond to requests for historical weather data Discontinue the activity to entities outside of FAA/ATCS No significant impact expected.  
7 Coordinate with National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for archiving and retrieval of historic weather data Discontinue the activity, requests should be directly to the National Climatic Data Center. No significant impact expected.  
8 Monitor NWS equipment or observe malfunctions and report to NWS maintenance Recommend the associated ATCT or AF facility to monitor the equipment and AFSS to issue NOTAM. Additional workload in the ATCT or AF environment  
9 Coordinate ICAO flight Information with military The military should be advised AFSS no longer coordinate air traffic information / alternative methods should be planned No significant impact expected.  
10 Provide Service B Guard services to US military facilities in foreign locations (as necessary) (e.g. Diego Garcia) AIS-R for all military BASOPS (including AFRCC) to provide back-up functionality with each other. Remove AFSS responsibility for providing BASOPS back-up. No significant impact expected. Included in Jan. 11th 2005 AIS-R upgrade.
11 Support Aircraft within Mexican/Canadian borders Change manuals to reflect that pilots requesting any fee-for-service operation from Canada must receive service from Canadian facilities, within their borders.�� No significant impact expected.  
Activity ID#          
Discontinued Activity Description Recommendation Impact Comments
12 Maintain NOTAM accountability at Saint Jean (YJN) NOTAM accountability for YJN, if still being done, will be discontinued. There is close coordination between Canada and BTV AFSS when navaid goes out. Safety could come into play if this data were not timely. Additional research needed regarding NAVAID outage impact(s) to U.S. airports/operations.
13 Accept, validate, format and process Canada to Canada flight proposals Change manuals to reflect pilots requesting any fee-for-service operation from Canada must receive service from Canadian facilities, within their borders. No significant impact expected.  
14 Provide Civil Twilight information outside of the performance of Pilot Weather Briefing Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
15 Provide seasonal time change information Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
16 Provide information from aviation publications outside of the performance of Pilot Weather Briefing Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
17 Provide NWS contact information for historical and climatic requests Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
18 Provide information on downed aircraft to entities outside the FAA Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
19 Provide information on local aviation operations/events other than information contained in Notices to Airman (NOTAMs) given in of the performance of Pilot Weather Briefing Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
20 Provide aircraft status/progress reports to entities outside the FAA Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. Flight schools could raise issues. AFSS is information source on student pilot status available to instructors. AFSS just one of many resources available for Airport Operators.
21 Coordinate retrieval of weather balloon sensor packages by NWS Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
22 Provide government and aviation directory assistance Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
Activity ID#          
Discontinued Activity Description Recommendation Impact Comments
23 Provide resource library for pilots and general public Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
24 Provide density altitude information to local airports Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. Possible safety impact - When density altitude could affect Takeoff Operations some Airport Operations will call for data and post. AFSS just one of many resources available for Airport Operators.
25 Report traffic to local airport for noise abatement Discontinue the activity for non-aviation requests. No significant impact expected.  
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